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Diagonal Lines

Line - Starting points/lines that create direction or a pathway in an image. 

  • The lines can be experienced by some as unstable, and by others as vulnerable.

  • Thick lines can be experienced as rigid and dependent, or can be experienced as dominating or stern.


  1. Diagonal lines- The books here are all creating their own vertical lines because of the way they are placed.

  2. Horizontal lines- These steal wires create horizontal lines because they were placed down.

  3. Vertical Lines- The line of the edge and the horizontal line create a vertical line.

  4. Implied lines- The basketball net has lines/patterns and pole lines that guides the viewers eyes going up to the edge.

  5. Organic lines- The stems from the flower all go in different directions. 

  6. Curved lines- you can see the huge bump on her hand that creates a curved line.


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